Late Breaking News & Photos / Video Clips / Old News

Author Steve Kennedy celebrates his first film festival victory,
a third place showing (out of ten entries) in the Open (adult
age category). The prize package included a $200 gift certificate, a trophy,
two T shirts, an award signed by Palo Alto Mayor Judy Kleinberg,
and an official proclamation from California State Senator
Jackie Speier (who also endorsed the video project in a letter dated February
4th, 2002).. Next Photo>>>

Our deepest appreciation goes to Karin Beauchamp and Al's Nursery, Inc. in Portola Valley for making our video shoot possible. Now that the best takes have been logged down on paper, Francis and Greg  can edit the raw footage into something to be proud of. Then I can, in my role as Executive Producer, concentrate on the proposal writing that will bring in the grant money. Stay tuned for further developments. With luck, a 30 second video clip of our work will be posted to this site very soon.

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