Late Breaking News and Photos / Video Clips / Old News

Cable 1Mbps 3.2MB
DSL 512K 1.3MB
Dialup 56K 632KB

Cafe Scene:
    1mbps, 512k, 56k

Brushcutter Scene:
    1mbps, 512k, 56k

Naturalist Scene:
    1mbps, 512k, 56k

Cable 1Mbps 8.2MB
DSL 512K 3.6MB
Dialup 56K 1.7MB

Movie Trailer:
    1mbps, 512k, 56k

As you an tell from these short video clips, The Cannonball Express has completed a watchable demo reel. This demo was distributed to the movers and shakers who began endorsing the video project back in 1994. The video was cable cast by community cable TV stations all over the San Francisco Bay Area. This demo reel was presented to several live audiences from the Berkeley Hills to Los Gatos. The video was entered into several film festivals but didn't win any major prizes. Wish us luck in finding full funding for the ADULT HOMEOWNER version of the video and let us know you email. if you'd like to be notified when the video goes up on YouTube or is cable cast in your community. l if you'd like to be notified when the video is locally cablecast to your community.

The finished film will have several purposes. First of all, we hope to encourage homeowners to plant their backyards with fire resistant natives (without discouraging the fire victims among them from rebuilding their homes and suburban lives). Secondly, we hope to help homeowner associations in forested areas, decide whether they want to hire a professional brush cutter, call in a County inmate crew or pitch in and do the vegetation management work themselves. Thirdly, we hope to bridge the gap between the fire professionals and the environmental community so that something constructive can be done about the loss of grasslands to ever thicker brush and generally higher fuel loads. Finally, we hope to build that all-important, critical mass of public support that, after the next big, wind driven fire in a Bay Area suburb, will make, "The Cannonball Express", the fire prevention video that absolutely has to be made, in every county around the Bay Area.

So, we're in this for the long haul and we're having fun doing it. We hope that you have enjoyed this sneak peek at The Cannonball Express. Thank you for visiting our web site.

Steve Kennedy Executive Producer