For the past 30 years, the mission of The Vegetation Management Video Project Committee has been to create wildfire resilient communities by promoting fire safe landscaping, encouraging vegetation thinning projects and giving homeowners "a sense of place", so as to prevent or mitigate the next big suburban forest fire in Northern California.
Government has generally responded by clearing brush along roadsides, thinning and limbing up trees and occasionally doing prescribed burns.
Homeowners have been hit by such massive rate increases for fire insurance (or cancelled policies) that they can't afford to ignore back yard vegetation management.
PG&E (which declined to fund the adult - homeowner version of the video in 2008) is struggling to emerge from bankruptcy caused by massive legal bills and cash homeowner settlements caused by several devastating and deadly wildfires started by PG&E's equipment. So homeowners are being hit by massive PG&E rate increases too.
The goal of the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL versions of the video is to encourage kids in grades 5 and 6 to enter the training and educational pipelines to qualify for the jobs of tomorrow which will be created to help us prevent, prepare for and mitigate suburban forest fires like the ones which struck Santa Rosa, CA in 2017, Paradise, CA in 2018 and Lahaina, Maui in 2023. This version was specifically created to match San Mateo County video funding requirements per the State Fish and Game code, section 13103(a). A 3 minute movie trailer has been posted here, via YouTube, to support video production proposals in San Mateo and Maui Counties.
The goal of the ADULT - HOMEOWNER versions of the video was to gently persuade people to do for the environment what they wouldn't always do for themselves. Our aim was to persuade people to take their fuel reduction problems seriously, in their backyards and beyond. We created a demo reel of this version in 2008 and put further development on a back burner in 2018.
Please send us an email with your comments and criticisms to
Or send your cards and letters to:
Steve Kennedy
POB 51852
Palo Alto, CA 94303
Please send us an email with your comments and criticisms, ,
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please describe how you ran across this web site.